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Jonathan is a violinist, songwriter, composer, and content creator.
Jonathan has sheet music available for a lot of his hymn arrangements. He only has a few available for covers because of copyright issues.
Jonathan is always trying his best to put out more music, but it takes a lot of time and money to make them happen. If you'd like to sponsor a hymn video, that helps Jonathan a ton. You get to pick out the hymn, and you get a name of your choosing on the actual video.
On occasion, Jonathan will work with other musicians. Although if it isn't a project focused on bringing Glory to God, he will most likely not work on it or will ask to have his name left out of the credits.
You can contact Jonathan by sending him an email or contacting him here. Jonathan tries to reply to everyone, although he prioritizes emails or messages from his contact form. If you write to him on social media, it will most likely take him a lot longer to get back to you. Jonathan does not currently accept personal friend requests on his private social media.
Jonathan uses Logic Pro X and Final Cut Pro as his two main programs for editing music and his music videos.
You can use his music in a video, but he does request that you give proper credit in the description. For example:
Music by Jonathan Violin / Jonathan Violin Hymns. (Link)
You may also receive a revenue claim on YouTube. It's not a strike as long as you don't upload a duplicate of one of his videos.
Contact Jonathan below: